Panchayat Season 2 is a popular web series directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra. The main actors are Jitendra Kumar as Abhishek Tripathi, Neena Gupta as Manju Devi, and Raghubir Yadav as Brij Bhushan Dubey. The show is made by TVF (The Viral Fever) and you can watch it on Amazon Prime Video.
The story is about an engineering graduate who becomes a secretary in a village panchayat office. This season continues to show his problems and experiences in the village. We don't know the show's budget, but it keeps a simple and relatable style.
Title | Panchayat S2 |
Director | Deepak Kumar Mishra |
Main Cast | Jitendra Kumar as Abhishek Tripathi |
Made by | TVF (The Viral Fever) |
Platform | Amazon Prime Video |
Genre | Comedy-Drama |
Language | Hindi |
No. of Seasons | 3 |
No. of Episodes (Season 2) | 8 |
Panchayat Season 2 continues the heartfelt journey of Abhishek Tripathi, played by Jitendra Kumar, as he faces the challenges of working in a village panchayat office. Directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra, the series beautifully shows both the simple and complex parts of village life.
It is available on Amazon Prime Video, which has eight episodes filled with humour, emotion, and social commentary. The show’s authentic depiction of rural India and strong character development make it a must-watch.
- Jitendra Kumar as Abhishek Tripathi
- Neena Gupta as Manju Devi
- Raghubir Yadav as Brij Bhushan Dubey
- Chandan Roy as Vikas
- Faisal Malik as Prahlad Pandey
It continues the story of Abhishek Tripathi, a young engineering graduate who works as a secretary in a village panchayat office. This season goes deeper into his struggles and experiences as he gets used to village life, handling different administrative and social issues.
The series skillfully mixes humour and drama, showing the simple and complex parts of village life. Each episode presents a new problem or event for Abhishek to solve, from dealing with local disputes to participating in cultural traditions.
Binge Panchayat Season 2 Online
You can watch S2 online only on Amazon Prime Video. Both S1 and S2 are available, so you can follow the whole journey of Abhishek Tripathi and the lively village life. You can also enjoy Season 3 on Prime Video, which continues the engaging and heartwarming story.